Nice, Spring-like Weather Ahead For Mid Michigan
I can’t believe this weather. Just when we think that the warm weather is finished, we get another round of it. This morning began with dense fog and visibility less than a mile, but now the sky is clearing and it looks to be a great day. Highs are expected in the mid 60s with 70s for the weekend. Thank you God. We did received a little more rain yesterday but it ended by late afternoon. We picked up an additional 0.03 inches. The winds are also not an issue so a great day to go out and enjoy it.
Our 1 PM temperature is 59°F, the humidity is 80%, and winds are from the SW at 3-6 mph, and visibiltiy is 7 miles. Skies are partly cloudy and the dew point is 50°F. Yesterday’s high was 66°F and the overnight low was 47°F. Average temps for this date are 53°F / 35°F. Sunrise was at 8:12 AM and sunset will be at 6:30 PM.