Another Spring-Like Day In Mid Michigan
Highs today will reach the 70°F mark, and this is expected to last until Sunday. It is a bit breezy today and there is plenty of sun. Unfortunately, driving can be a challenge with the sun so low in the sky. The visors in the car sometimes just aren’t big enough. This is the only time when I wish for cloudy skies, when I have to drive somewhere.
Our 1:30 PM temperature is 69°F, the humidity is 59%, and skies are mostly clear. Winds are from the south at 5-9 mph and the dew point is 50°F. Visibility is 11 miles and there has been no precipitation in the past 48 hours. Yesterday’s high was 67°F and the overnight low was 50°F. Average temps for this date are 52°F / 37°F. Sunrise was at 8:14 AM and sunset will be at 6:27 PM.