Our Warmer Weather Has Arrived . …
Temperatures will reach the upper 40s today and some areas could reach 50°F. There are still little patches of snow hanging around and I expect that to be gone by tonight. This weather is expected to last for another few days yet, then an Alberta clipper will pay us a visit, and possibly some snow. But we can enjoy this while it lasts.
Our 2:15 PM temperature is 47°F (8°C), the humidity is 49%, and winds are from the SE at 5-9 mph. Skies are clear. The dew point is 26°F (-3°C) and visibility is 11 miles. The pressure is 30.12 in (1020.0 mb) and falling. Yesterday’s high was 41°F (5°C) and the overnight low was 21°F (-6°C). Average temps for this date are 34°F/18°F. Record temps for Feb. 19 are 62°F (2017) and -21°F (1978). Sunrise was at 7:29 AM and sunset will be at 6:14 PM.