A Mild New Year’s Eve With Snow . . . . .

Our 1:30 PM temperature is 33°F, the humidity is 97%, and the pressure is 29.79 in and falling. Winds are from the North at 0-4 mph and visibility is only one mile. The dew point is 33°F. Yesterday’s high was 48°F and the overnight low was 28°F Average temps for this date are 31°F/19°F. Record temps for Dec. 30 are 61°F (1936) and -11°F (1976). Sunrise was at 8:09 AM and sunset will be at 5:12 PM.
Today: Snow showers likely possibly mixed with rain. Temperatures nearly steady in the mid 30s. Winds NNE at 10-15 mph. Chance of snow 90%. Snow accumulation less than an inch.
Tonight: Cloudy with snow, mainly before midnight. Low near 31°F. Winds NW 10-15 mph. Chance of snow 80%.
New Year’s Day: Cloudy with a chance of snow early. High near 34°F. Winds W at 1 0-15 mph, gusting higher at times. Chance of snow 30%.