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Author: Cathie Ursu

I have lived in Michigan all of my life and became very interested in the weather after the 1953 Flint tornado. This was one of the few EF5 tornadoes in our state's history (since records have been kept). Although we are not strangers to severe storms in Michigan, EF5 tornadoes are very rare. I live in an area where we rarely get a good thunderstorm, in fact, we haven't had one all summer. When I lived down by Detroit, they were frequent during the spring and summer months. I love experiencing the four seasons here in Michigan and I wouldn't live anywhere else.
Partly Cloudy / Sunny . . . . .

Partly Cloudy / Sunny . . . . .

Although yesterday was cloudy, we saw light, intermittent snow flurries throughout the day.  It left no additional snow cover  Today is quite a bit brighter, and temps will be warm enough to melt some of the ice.  The predicted snowstorms this week are still a go, and measurable snow amounts are expected on Wednesday, as well as this coming weekend.  I’ve heard of possible snow amounts anywhere from only 2 inches to 10.  So this another wait and see scenario….

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A Few Flurries . . . .

A Few Flurries . . . .

Yesterday afternoon brought a winter mix of freezing rain, sleet and a little snow.  It left about quarter of an inch of frozen snow, or whatever, on our deck.  Thankfully, it wasn’t slippery.  This morning brought light snow flurries, not enough to accumulate.  We continue to have about 1.5″ of frozen mess on the lawn, and it just doesn’t get warm enough for any of it to melt.  Now we have another storm heading our way.  At this time, it…

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A Little Snow On The Way . . . .

A Little Snow On The Way . . . .

We could see a little snow this afternoon, but nothing close to what was predicted.  This was supposed to be a major snow event, but now diminished to maybe an inch.  Northern Michigan is getting the brunt of it.  At lease it has been cold enough for the ski lodges to make snow, so all is good for the skiers.  My YouTube go-to weather guru, Ryan Hall, is predicting a very active February snow season for us, with one storm…

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A Little Sun To End Our Week . . . . .

A Little Sun To End Our Week . . . . .

This has been a normal winter for us, the first in a long time.  The only thing lacking is the snow.  We continue to have some snow cover.  It isn’t much but remains because of the cold temperatures.  We are expected to get another few inches tomorrow but not certain yet exactly how much we will get.  A few days ago, they were telling us to expect up to 4 inches.  Now that has decreased significantly.  I guess we’ll be…

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Most Freezing Rain Missed Us . . . .

Most Freezing Rain Missed Us . . . .

The winter mess that was predicted for us didn’t affect us much.  There was about half an inch of frozen ice/snow on my deck this morning, but it wasn’t even slick to walk on.  We are lucky.  I haven’t heard how the southern portions of the state made out.  Now we are left with cloudy skies and strong winds.  We still have another winter storm expected Saturday, but we haven’t heard a definite expected snow amount yet. Our 1:15 PM…

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A Real Mess Heading Our Way . . . .

A Real Mess Heading Our Way . . . .

We are currently under a winter weather advisory for tonight and early tomorrow.  My area is expecting a little bit of everything from snow, sleet, and freezing rain.  The worst will hit to our south with the most freezing rain expected there.  Driving tomorrow will be a real challenge for those heading to work, and I’m just glad that those days are behind me.  Right now, all is quiet, but we can expect the mess to begin shortly after sundown…

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Back To Below-Average Temperatures . . . .

Back To Below-Average Temperatures . . . .

Once again we have freezing temps and wind chills.  So far this year, we are way below in our normal snow amounts.  It’s bad when Florida has gotten more snow than we have.  I’m still waiting for the big one and it is not unusual to get a major snow event in February.  An ice storm is in the forecast for tomorrow night but it seems that most of it will remain to our south.  We’ll have to keep an…

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Dreary, Foggy But Mild . . . .

Dreary, Foggy But Mild . . . .

We have dense fog this morning but our temperature is above freezing, so that’s what’s important.  It will be dreary all day and we could get some rain.  They are predicting an ice storm for us late Wednesday and early Thursday, but not sure yet how bad it will be.  Regardless, my plans for Thursday have been cancelled and I’m not going anywhere that day. Our 10:30 AM temperature is 36°F, the humidity is 100%, and winds are calm.  Skies…

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A Messy Weather Day Ahead . . . .

A Messy Weather Day Ahead . . . .

We have a moderate snow shower happening at this time.  This is expected to eventually turn to freezing rain this afternoon, so it will be a good day just to stay indoors and stay warm.  I’m hearing that Phil, the Pennsylvania groundhog saw his shadow this morning, so it looks like those folks will have 6 more weeks of winter.  I haven’t heard anything yet from Michigan’s groundhog, but I haven’t seen any sun this morning.  So if they tell…

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Another Cool Down . . . .

Another Cool Down . . . .

Our weather has become a bit cooler after a bit of rain and snow last night.  It still isn’t a bad dad for the first of February, and there are no big storms heading our way, at least not at this time.  So I guess we’ll be happy with it. Our 3:30 PM temperature is 24°F, the humidity is 72%, and skies are overcast.  Winds are from the SE at 3-6 mph, and the pressure is 30.31 in and falling. …

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