Cloudy and Very Windy in Mid Michigan
We received 0.02 inches of rain overnight and it looks like today won’t be very pleasant being out and about. Although temperatures will be mild, wind chills will make it seem much colder. Our highs continue to be about 10° above normal and this is expected to continue through March. If this is true, maybe the groundhog should retire. We are under a wind advisory until 2 PM with possible gust up to 45 mph.
Our 9:15 AM temp is 37°F (3°C), the humidity is 74%, and winds are from the WSW at 25 mph. The wind chill is 26°F (-3°C). The pressure is 29.64 in (1003.4 mb) and steady. The dew point is 28°F (-2°C) and visibility is 10 miles and skies are cloudy. Yesterday’s high was 38°F (3°C) and the overnight low was 37°F (3°C).